Converting a buffer to a base64-string Serializing a buffer (JSON.stringify(buffer)) can increase the content size (JSON.stringify(biuffer).length) a lot. It might be better to convert the…
My journey to become a better developer
Converting a buffer to a base64-string Serializing a buffer (JSON.stringify(buffer)) can increase the content size (JSON.stringify(biuffer).length) a lot. It might be better to convert the…
Agile: iterative development with self-functioning teams fe Scrum, Kanban Progressive javascript: opt-in features (fe Router, …). React is not really progressive since it does not…
Best practices for JS security 1. Check regularly for npm package security issues 2. Implement eslint security rules eslint-plugin-security 3. Use Best Practices 4. JWT…
Translations/copy Localize – exports to multiple file formats (csv, json, …) – does not allow nested translations Weblate Webgebaseerde voortdurende vertaling i18n (React-intl vs React-intl-universal…
Code quality Use a code quality standard no loose equals (==) to avoid implicit coercion bugs capitalize constants with underscores (js convention) Do not use…
function bar(x =2, …args ) : …args makes an array of all the rest of the arguments of the function function bar() { return foo(…[2,5])…
Container components : how things work (opposite = presentational) Presentational components: how things look. Opposite = container) Presentational vs container components Declarative: what should happen…
toString() strings parseInt(str), parseFloat(str) str.split(‘’), //returns array arrays arr.sort(), // returns array [2, 1, 2, 30, 12, 4,].sort(); // [1, 12, 2, 2, 30, 4]…
ReactComplex object dependency array use effectWhat if use effect dependency array change too oftenComplete guide to use effectUsereducer with loggerUsereducer vs redux vs useStateFrontendCompress imagesStorybook:…